1What are the objectives of the Medical Conversation?
There are three conversational 'types' that doctors employ. Each conversational type has its unique set of informational objectives. Optimally, it is best when both conversants — the doctor and patient — are knowledgable about the informational elements that need to be conveyed.
2Why is the medical conversation so important?
It may not seem intuitive — particularly in this era of advanced medical technologies — that the medical conversation is the most important tool for determining a medical diagnosis. Furthermore, research has repeatedly demostrated that deficient medical conversations result in a markedly higher incidence of misdiagnosis.
3Is medical conversation intuitive?
No. The vast majority of patients do not know how to convey their medical symptoms, relevant previous workups, or convey the effectiveness of their treatments. Even doctors require training to understand the informational objectives of these important conversations.
4Improve your healthcare!
Improve your healthcare before your next medical test or next prescription. Improve diagnostic success and reduce costly/risky medical tests, by conveying pertinent medical information concisely and effectively!